Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Background Eraser Tool (new magic wand tool)

Background Eraser Tool (new magic wand tool)

This tutorial goes over the usage of the Background Eraser tool in Photoshop.

background eraser tool or new magic wand tool example

We are going to use a very little known Photoshop tool call "Background Eraser Tool". It's a super useful tool for removing background colors while preserving the main picture that you want. It's pretty simple so you can start using it immediately after the tutorial. 

1. Open up a image you want to remove the background from. Try to choose a picture with the background that contrast with the main picture.You can duplicate this layer if you want to preserve the original picture.

2. Click the "Background Eraser Tool". Set a soft brush(Low hardness) with the size comfortable to remove the background. Set :"Sampling: Once". Leave the tolerance at 50%. Select "Protect Foreground Color".

background eraser tool

background eraser property bar

3. Click the "Eyedropper Tool" to select the color of the picture you want to protect. For my picture, i would click the log.

eyedropper tool

sample log color

4. Switch back to "Background Eraser Tool" .Click on the color of the background and start dragging around to erase the background.
background eraser tool working

5. If there is change in the color of the foreground, switch back to "Eyedropper" Tool and sample the color again. Repeat Step 4 again.
different foreground color

6. After you erase the entire background, let your imagination run wild!!
background erased with background eraser tool

background changed with deleting background by background eraser tool

Here is another i tried using the same technique:
Original Pic:

Edited Pic:

Getting to Grips with the Vanishing Point Filter

Getting to Grips with the Vanishing Point Filter

Master the Vanishing Point filter (a Photoshop filter that adjusts the image’s perspective) with this excellent Photoshop tutorial.

These two tutorials are simple guides about using Photoshop’s Vanishing Point filter in photo editing. We’ll learn some of the basics about making selections, cloning areas, and pasting images into the vanishing point filter window. This is a beginner level tutorial that will help you master the basics on this topic.

Final Image Preview for Part One: Adding Floors to a Building
Before we get started, let’s take a look at the image we’ll be creating.

final image view

Step 1
The Vanishing Point filter is all about perspective, when you’re editing photography, perspective is one of the most important issues to consider, the Vanishing Point filter helps us to make it easy. This time I’ve got two short tutorials to help you to understand this amazing filter.
The first one it’s about adding realistic floors to a building. Before getting started you’ll need an image to edit, I choose this picture because the perspective is very clean and easy to follow. As a first step, paste the image into a new document, a lot bigger than the original picture, then add a new Color fill layer using the sky’s color as a sample (you can use the Eyedropper tool to get a similar color).
Add a layer mask to the picture layer and paint with a huge brush on it. Delete the sky over the buildings. Finally, merge the sky blue background with the original picture and name the resulting layer "Buildings."
masking brush

Step 2
Now, go to Filters > Vanishing point, remember when you’re working with the Vanishing point filter, all the editing (paste, select, clone) must be done into the Vanishing Point Filter window and nowhere else. At this point, you’ll only need to draw a reference plane, do this by selecting the Create Plane Tool (C) in Vanishing Point Filter window. You can use the windows as a guide.
plane tool

Step 3
Select the Edit Plane tool (V) and resize your plane, make it wider and taller as you’ll need. Hit OK to save the Vanishing Point plane. Then create a new layer above the original picture and name it something like "Edited picture." We’re going to add all the painting in this layer to keep the original file handy. Select the new layer and go to the Vanishing Point window again.

Step 4
Now the fun! First, we’re going to clone the pipes to get a higher clean area to select in the next step. Select the Clone Tool within the vanishing point window, it works just like the standard clone tool, but this one keeps the perspective when you’re cloning. Hold the Alt key and click to select the cloning source, try to click over the area of one of the pipes, then just paint up. Without changing the clone source, clone the other two pipes of our picture. Hit OK if you want to see the result.
setting vanishing point

Step 5
Let’s add some floors next. In the Vanishing Point window, click on the Marquee Tool, and make a selection using two or three buildings, try to make a selection as clear as possible. Next, hold the Alt key and click + drag the selection some pixels up. Do it as many times as floors you want to add, nevermind if there’s some bad areas for now.

Step 6
As you’ll see duplicating the selection isn’t always a perfect process, so as there are a lot of tiny imperfections, use the Clone tool to fix them.
merging image

Step 7
Finally, crop the image. Also if you want, add more details, like cloning the windows to create some variants between them, use the Blur tool to blur the hard line between building and sky, and whatnot.

End of Part One
And that’s it! To create a more colorful scene I’d merged the layers, duplicated the result, applied a Gaussian Blur 4px radius to the copy, and change the copy’s Blending mode to Overlay with an Opacity set to 75%.

Final Image Preview for Part Two: Adding a Picture onto a Wall
Before we get started, let’s take a look at the image we’ll be creating. You can view the full-size image here.

adding picture into wall

Step 1
This second quick tutorial is about adding a picture onto a real wall. How many times have you wished to see your very own design as a picture over the fireplace? This tutorial will make it really simple get that kind of result into a photo.
Let’s get it started. First you’ll need an image to work with, I choose a random one from sxc.hu, this one from Samantha Villagran, open the image as is and save the PSD file somewhere, then duplicate the picture layer and hide the original.
final look

Step 2
Go to the Vanishing Point Filter (Filters > Vanishing point), and draw a plane over the pictures on the wall, you can use the ceiling and the pictures as a guide. Expand the plane according your needs, if you want to add more than a picture, or use the same perspective on another wall. You can Command + Click one of plane’s sides and add a perpendicular plane, if you want to modify the new plane’s angle. You can hold the Alt key and drag the mouse, or type the number in the Angle combo box (45º).

vanishing point filter

Step 3
Now, we’re going to delete the existing pictures on the wall. Select the Clone tool and Alt + Click somewhere above the pictures to catch the cloning source. Also, you can go to Windows > Clone source and select the Show Overlay option to see a translucent sample of the cloning source. Clone the wall hiding all the pictures.

Step 4
As you can see, the cloning process isn’t completely clean. There are two quick and useful tips to make the cloning almost perfect. First, using the Healing Brush tool, clone some areas of the wall. The way to use the Healing Brush is the same than Clone tool.
Once you’ve finished the healing, use the Lasso tool to make a selection over the wall, then press Command + Alt + D to Feather the selection. Also, set the radius between 5 and 10 pixels depending the size of your image. Next, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the radius between 30 px to 50 px and hit OK. The wall is looking fairly good at this point. If you prefer, you can hide the pictures of other walls using this technique as well.
clone tool

Step 5
Now we’ll add our own picture to the wall. Copy any image into the clipboard, I’m using the result of one of my previous tutorials on this site for the image. Create a new layer above the base image. Go to the Vanishing Point window, Resize the planes if you want just to use them as a guide, then Paste the image inside (Command + V). After that, drag it over any plane.
Next, using the Transform Tool (T) in Vanishing Point window, transform the image to make it fit exactly into the plane’s boundaries. When you have finished placing the image, hit OK and see the result.
adjusting photo in vanishing point filter

Step 6
When you place the picture into the Vanishing Point window, the result always turns a little bit pixelated. You can solve this issue just by making a selection around the picture using the Lasso Tool, Command + Shift + I to inverse the selection and delete the extra pixels.

Step 7
Now add a bevel to your picture. Select the Pen tool and create a shape, as in the image below, then fill the shape with a dark color.
add bevel on picture

Step 8
If you take a look at the original file, the light of the window is over the wall’s pictures. So we need to duplicate that lightening. Select the Dodge Tool, set a big soft brush and Exposure to 25%, then Dodge some areas of the picture’s bottom left and all around the surface.
dodge tool

Step 9
Select the "Picture" layer and go to Filter > Blur > Blur, then press Command + F to do it again. Next, convert the "Bevel" shape into a Smart Object (right-click on the layer’s name and press Convert to a Smart Object), then apply the same filter to it twice.
blur fillter

Step 10
Now let’s add a soft shadow to the wall’s picture. Create a new layer below the "Picture" layer and name it "Shadows." Now use a soft 100 px black brush (Opacity 50% and Flow 50%) and draw some blurry lines around the picture, except on the picture’s left side.

Step 11
Now delete some areas of the shadow using a soft Eraser set to 75 px.

Step 12
Change the Eraser’s Opacity and Flow to 50%, and erase over the black shadows. When you have finished, apply a Gaussian Blur with a radius of 5px to the "Shadow" layer.
Gaussian blur

Step 13
Now paint a black blurry shadow again, but this time using a Soft 50 px black brush (set Opacity and Flow below 50%). Again delete all the extra shadow using a soft Eraser.

Step 14
Finally, select a tiny area on the corners using the Lasso Tool to make them just a little bit rounded. Make the selection and press Command + Alt + F to Feather the selection about 2 pixels. Then Delete the selection. Do this on each sharp corner of the picture.

End of Part Two
The Vanishing Point filter makes it easy to add realistic pictures into an existing scene. Try your own!
final result

The Vanishing Point filter is a useful tool for photo editors and photo manipulators, if you’ve never used this filter, or even if you knew about it, but rarely apply it, start experimenting with it more.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Useful Applications for the Clone Stamp Tool

Useful Applications for the Clone Stamp Tool

This tutorial goes over some excellent uses of the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop.

Maybe the Clone Stamp Tool is one of the most known tools in Photoshop, but have you ever wondered: what else can I do with the cloning stamp than duplicating pixels and hiding objects? These two short tutorials will show you some new uses for this wonderful tool.

Part One, Cloning a "Baby" Car

Before we get started, let’s take a look at the image we’ll be creating.  You can view the final image preview below or view a larger version here.
final look

The Basics

The Clone Stamp Tool is an awesome feature of Photoshop. It has been a part of the application for quite some time. The way to use this tool is really simple. First, select the brush type, choose the area you want to duplicate. Next press and hold only the Option key, and then click one time over the area that we call the Clone Source. Finally, just paint anywhere you want it.

You can clone from only one layer or several layers selecting the sample combo box. Also, you can paint the clone source on the original layer or into a new one. This tool is well known as the object remover, see the image below for a sample of the tool in action, which shows us how to remove a small cloud from a picture. Simple right? Let’s go to something a little bit more complicated next.

another cloning example

Step 1
First, open your original picture. I’m using this one of an old white truck, then Go to File > Save as… and save it somewhere as a PSD. I pasted the image into a new document at 1422 pixels by 1024 pixels, but you can work in the original file size.
Actually, my picture looks a little bit purple, so I’ll fix this by using two Adjustment Layers, a Selective color adjustment, only the blue color, and a Level Adjustment layer. Why adjustment layers? Well this way all the adjustments will be applied to any other layer on the document, but without distorting your original image. Name the image layer "Truck."

image adjustment

Step 3
Now select the "Truck" layer in the Layers Palette and select the Clone Stamp Tool. Set the brush at around 50px and set the Hardness to 0%. Now to select the cloning source Alt-Click somewhere on your image, a good point is just at the top left of the truck. Also, go to Window > Clone source to show the advanced options.

Step 4
When you have selected your clone source, create a new layer above the "Truck" layer and name it "Mini truck." Go to the Clone Source window and mark the Show Overlay checkbox. This way you’ll have a transparent copy of your clone source. Try moving your brush here an there to see how it works.
Now in the Clone source window, change these values W: 30% and H: 30%, this way you’ll be resizing your clone source to 30% of the original size. Next, place the clone transparent overlay on a proper place and start painting until you duplicate the entire truck. Remember, you’ll be painting on the "Mini truck" layer.

Step 5
Now very carefully, using the Eraser Tool, delete all the dirt areas cloned around the "Mini Truck".

Step 6
Now using the Burn tool, burn some areas of the "Mini truck" layer.

Step 7
I’m adding two more Adjustments layers: a Exposure adjustment and a Gradient map (Blending Mode set to Linear Burn).

Part One Conclusion
And that’s it, just to improve the distance sensation, blur the "Mini tuck" layer just a little bit by going to Filter > Blur > Blur.

Part Two, Straighten the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Before we get started, let’s take a look at the image we’ll be creating.  You can view the final image preview below or view a larger version here.

Step 1
Everybody knows the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, although intended to stand vertically, the tower began leaning to the southeast due to a poorly laid foundation. But now we have Photoshop to fix that leaning using only the Clone Stamp Tool.
First, find your favorite image of the tower, I’ve found this one. Open it and save it as a new PSD file somewhere. I pasted the image into a new document 1000 pixels by 1500 pixels, but you can work with the original file size.

Step 2
I’ll increase the highlights levels of the tower. You can adjust your image according to your needs, or just skip this step if you’re using another picture.

Step 3
Once you have your image ready, create a new blank layer above the "Tower" layer and name it "Straight tower."

Step 4
Now select your Clone Source. Select the "Tower" layer and Option-click anywhere at top the left of the tower. Ensure that the Clone Source window is open, just go to Windows > Clone Source to show it.

Step 5
Draw a vertical guide to see how your going to modify the tower. In the Clone Source window mark the Show Overlay check box to see the clone source translucent preview. Now here’s the trick, just change the Offset angle to around 4,0º. You’ll see how the preview is straight now. Do not click anywhere and go to next step.

Step 6
Select the "Straight Tower" layer and just paint over, start from the top of the tower to the bottom, you’ll see how the original tower disappears. Stop painting when you get close to the buildings.

Step 7
Continue cloning but be a little bit more carefully around the tower’s base. Reduce the size of the Cloning Brush to clone the borders, never mind if you clone a little bit of sky over the background buildings, we’ll fix it later.

Step 8
In this picture, there’s a couple with a baby, clone them too, you’ll just move there position a little bit. Again, don’t worry about the details yet.

Step 9
Now let’s fix all the details. First, we’ll improve the sky next to the tower, for this select the "Tower layer", change the Clone Brush size to 7px, set the Offset angle to 0, and select the Clone source somewhere over the sky. Next, select the "Straight tower" layer and paint the sky. Do the same for the buildings, the fence around the tower, or everywhere you’ll find any imperfection. Remember, set the Clone source on the "Tower" layer and paint on the "Straight Tower" layer.

Step 10
You can see the difference in the image below. Then you can Flatten the image and save it as another .jpg file.

Part Two Conclusion
Simple right? You can try this technique on another building. How about leaning the Eiffel Tower instead?. It’s up to you now!

Tutorial Conclusion
The Clone Stamp Tool is one of the most useful features of Photoshop, as much for photo editors as for graphic designers. There’s no limits for the applications of this wonderful tool!

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